- Items to Display: Enter your slider items to display.
- Items to Display Tab: Enter your items to display on tablet view.
- Items to Display on Mobile: Enter your items to display on mobile view.
- Items Scroll By: Enter your slider items scroll by.
- Slide Auto play: This option allows you to Enable/Disable for slide auto play.
- Slide Centre: This option allows you to Enable/Disable for slide centre.
- Slide Duration: Enter your slide duration for each (in millisecond).
- Slide Smart Speed: Enter your slide smart speed for each (in millisecond).
- Infinite Loop: This option allows you to Enable/Disable for infinite loop.
- Margin: Enter your margin (item spacing).
- Pagination: This option allows you to Enable/Disable for pagination.
- Navigation: This option allows you to Enable/Disable for navigation.
- Auto Height: This option allows you to Enable/Disable for slide item auto height.