These options allow you to customize your footer as well as add copyright and choose the Footer Layout. Footer Top Skin: Choose your individual skin setting for footer top. You
Footer General
Footer Layout: Choose your footer layout boxed or wide. Back to Top: You can Enable/Disable back to top icon. Hidden Footer: You can Enable/Disable hidden footer. This option set footer
Uncategorized Template
Uncategorized Page Title: You can Enable/Disable for uncategorized page title. Page Title Settings: This is page title style settings for uncategorized. Here you can set skin settings like font color,
Search Template
Search Page Title: You can Enable/Disable for search page title. Page Title Settings: This is page title style settings for search. Here you can set skin settings like font color,
Author Template
Author Page Title: You can Enable/Disable for author page title. Page Title Settings: This is page title style settings for author. Here you can set skin settings like font color,
Tag Template
Tag Page Title: You can Enable/Disable for tag page title. Page Title Settings: This is page title style settings for tag. Here you can set skin settings like font color,
Common Category Template
Category Page Title: You can Enable/Disable for category page title. Page Title Settings: This is page title style settings for category. Here you can set skin settings like font color,
Archive Template
Archive Page Title: You can Enable/Disable for archive page title. Page Title Settings: This is page title style settings for archive. Here you can set skin settings like font color,
Blog Template
Blog Page Title: You can Enable/Disable for blog page title. Page Title Settings: This is page title style settings for blog. Here you can set skin settings like font color,
Single Post Template
Single Post Page Title: You can Enable/Disable for single post page title. Page Title Settings: This is page title style settings for single post. Here skin settings available. You can