Day: March 8, 2018

Timeline Shortcode

This is the setting for Timeline Shortcode Timeline – This shortcode was used to display Timeline history Timeline Style  – Here you can change Timeline style. Timeline Layout  – This is

Flipbox Shortcode

This is the setting for Flipbox Shortcode Flipbox  – This shortcode was used to display Flipbox into various style. Text Align– This is an option for flip box text-align Primary Box Items –

Section Title Shortcode

This is the setting for Section Title Shortcode Section Title  – This shortcode was used to display section-title into various style. Title Heading Tag – Here you can Title tag(h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6) Title – Enter

Mailchimp Shortcode

This is the setting for Mailchimp Shortcode Mailchimp – This shortcode was used to display your Mailchimp into various style. MailChimp Layout – Here you can add an extra class to your portfolio