This is the setting for Section Title Shortcode
- Section Title – This shortcode was used to display section-title into various style.

- Title Heading Tag – Here you can Title tag(h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6)
- Title – Enter The Section title here.
- Title Prefix – Enter section title prefix. If no need title prefix, then leave this box blank.
- Title Suffix– Enter section title suffix. If no need title suffix, then leave this box blank.
- Text Align – Here You can Change text Alignment.
- Font Size – Here you can set the font size for the section title.
- Line Height– Here you can set the line height for the section title.
- Text Transform– You can change here text. transform(upper,lower,capitalize)
- Title Margin – Here you can modify the margin size.

- Subtitle – Enter section title here. If no need subtitle, then leave this box blank.
- Subtitle Position – Here you can change the subtitle position top or bottom.
- Subtitle Color – Here you can change the subtitle color.

- Separator Type – Here you can change the separator type (Image or Border).

- Button Text – This is an option for pricing button text.
- Button URL– This is an option for pricing button URL.
- Button Type – This is an option to change button style.